
Vila for Sale

For Sale Leasehold - Brand new modern private villa complex with 5 bedrooms (1 large joglo and 4 bedrooms) in a quiet area of Buwit

Tabanan, Bali



Gambar LM

Vila for Sale

For Sale Leasehold - Brand new modern private villa complex with 5 bedrooms (1 large joglo and 4 bedrooms) in a quiet area of Buwit

Tabanan, Bali



Vila for Sale in Tabanan, Bali

Brand new modern 5 bedrooms villa ( 1 joglo as the master room ) and 4 bedrooms with ac in each bedrooms built on 8 sqm of land side by side too with 9 sqm of vacant land with nice view in quiet area which is 200 meters away from the main road

Every bedrooms has their own private bathrooms also so everyone has their own privacy
Equipped with standing shower with cold and hot water

Still in progress construction 55% . Target in November 2022 ready for occupancy
Supported by a swimming pool with a size of 4 x 10 sqm , nice garden and an aula that can be closed and opened with sliding glass doors

Suitable as a place to stay for those who love to live in a quiet place or invest in rental housing in Bali
Perfect accommodation for family or traveling with friends and also for couples

Description :

Land size : 8 are = 800 sqm2 built for rent only
Rest 9 are = 900 sqm2 still empty .
Owner still thinking will use for him self or will rent it .
Total land 17 are = 1700 sqm2

Building size :
For joglo MASTER ROOM = 9 m2x 10 m2
For other 4 unit bedrooms = 3,5 m2 x 82 m2

For viewings or more details please contact us !


Live ID : L33131030
Listing ID : 464482
Land Size : 800 m2
Certificate : Leasehold

Simulasi KPR

Harga Properti


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Detail Pinjaman

Ray White Indonesia bekerja sama dengan Loan Market, Loan Aggregator resmi tercatat di OJK untuk menyajikan data ini. Ada lebih dari 29 Bank dan Institusi Keuangan yang bekerja sama sehingga Anda akan mudah mendapat KPR atau KPA.

Bank Jumlah Pinjaman Cicilan per Bulan Periode Bunga Fix

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